Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Winter Strikes Back ... With a Vengeance!

Well, I think that winter is REALLY here now, right now we have about 8 to 10 inches of snow on the ground, and more is coming down!

Lots of places have been closing early today. When I was done at work it was a messy, slippery drive home.

I shoveled some snow when I got home from work, there was about 6 inches of snow on the ground at the time. About an hour later you couldn't even tell I shoveled anything!

The good thing about the snow is that when it snows, the temperature is usually a little warmer than it was. The wind chills today were actually above zero! Woo Hoo! (Yes, there is a hint of sarcasm here)

Snow Days
Alana had a snow day today, but I heard that Oscar had to go to school today. That is a little unusual in that we are about 40 miles south of Oscar ... they usually get the most snow, but the snow is coming from the south in this storm.

Alana usually doesn't want to miss school, but she is OK with it if she knows that she won't miss anything.

Alana is off again tomorrow ... so is Oscar this time!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Cold Weather

What is the warmest temperature that you would feel the need to wear a heavy coat?







0's - yeah right :-)

The weather up here in Ohio has actually been down right cold!, it got a few degrees below zero last night. I feel that anything below the 20's is cold, and below zero ... well that's just too cold! Last nights wind chills were in the -20's (maybe even colder, but I didn't see it) ... yes, that's in the negative twenties!

I guess that is the price we have to pay for the mild temperatures the past several months when we rarely had to turn on the heat or air conditioning.